Sunday, April 22, 2007

Paid Online Surveys And Free Surveys

Paid surveys are generally conducted by market research firms.

Just in the United States alone, companies spend over "who-knows-how-much" amount dollars a year on consumer research and surveys. Market research companies are hired to test their advertisements or do research so that they know the best way to advertise to certain markets. These market research firms have large panels of people they use to conduct their studies. They do their research through having people test the products, mystery shoppers, and paid surveys.

Market research companies, doing the surveys are willing to pay you to visit their place of business, and act like a normal patron. These companies will pay you just to spend a couple of hours browsing, because they need an honest opinion from an everyday consumer on how well their facilities are doing. These market research companies are willing to pay people good money (up to $50 an hour) to everyday people for their honest opinion, and a lot of people are not aware of this.

Although most of these paid surveys only pay a small amount of money, usually between $1 and $15, some rare ones may pay up to $50, but just rare.It usually takes about fifteen minutes to complete. Some people have made a significant amount of money simply taking paid surveys. The rewards are usually in forms of points, later you can redeem points with cash(check), gift cards, common daily products. Many website also reward sweepstake entries to $10-$5000 drawings.However the latter is not a reliable way of steady earning. The hardest part is finding and sorting through all the research websites out there

Paid surveys are usually taken online, and less commonly through postal methods. Several companies also send assignments right to your email inbox. You can read and decide whether you would like to accept it or not. In many product test surveys, they also provide free products for you through mailing, one should test for a while then complete a paper or online survey to receive credits. Many websites exist where one can input certain characteristics about themselves, which is kept confidential and be emailed relevant surveys according to ages, genders, geological residents, jobs, gross household incomes etc., and be paid for these surveys

If you are in need of some part time work, answering paid online surveys may well be the answer! With flexible short hours and very good pay, it offers a fun and an interesting working environment. A lot of people actually make a nice living from home, working mostly online, and generally, most of them take the easy way out. They focus only on get paid to take online surveys and most of them make anywhere around $5 to $150 per survey. Besides, the get paid to take phone surveys also earns them as much as $120 an hour.

If you are having intentions of being able to retire by taking online surveys - forget it will never happen.

Although there are a lot of sites out there advertising that you can make thousands of dollars per week or make $50 plus dollars and hour for taking online surveys, any desire of earning huge amounts of money for minimal amount of work is likely to end in disappointment. In most cases, it doesn't really matter where you live, or who you are and if you are interested you can do it too. But the chances of making a killing every month is a little far fetched and it is highly doubtful, you can make that amount.

Mentioned below are a few of the reputed companies that are involved in paid online surveys. This does not mean these are the best or are guarnteed sources. It is only to help you to save time searching online for survey companies and not to fall into scams

Survey Scout .. This is more of a Get Paid to take Surveys site - But it includes the 'Get Paid to Shop' database as a free extra. It has a large database of 'paid to shop, paid surveys' and an instant survey paying $25 when you sign up details - You also get access to 25 FREE survey reports. They also have one of the most profitable "paid surveys" affiliate program on the web. So, in addition to the extra $400 plus a month for filling their online surveys, they also pay a 75% ($23.50) affiliate commission on every sale, and their conversion ratio is off the charts. Many of their affiliates average insane conversion ratios of 15-30% or higher! That's 1 sale for every 4-8 visitors ... or earnings of over $3 per click. You can't make money with these kind of numbers, even paying high CPCs at Overture, Google, etc. has been advertised and recognised as one of the low risk online survey companies Mainly because there are cases where people have invested hundreds in survey companies and not got a single cent back. The companies listed with them are low-risk and most of their 11,000 odd members do make money with them. Ideal for a stay-at-home mom or a college student searching for some additional money.

goZing Cash Surveys - It is another free online survey site which offers cash rewards to participant members. Once an individual signs up with goZing they are then invited, via email, to periodically participate in new live surveys ranging in topic from critiquing new products to watching never-before-seen movie trailers. For every survey completed members are rewarded CASH or sweepstake opportunities. Take a survey, get paid. It's that easy!

Get Cash For Surveys - Most of today's "survey" sites online will show you only 5 or 10 "select" companies that pay you for surveys. Its quite obvious that they are promoting these companies However, Get Cash For Surveys provides the freshest, most unbiased, and most complete list of online survey opportunities available. You could search on the Internet for months, finding only the same "offers" over and over again

That's all I have for the moment. If you need more info, you can always do an online search and find out more

All said and done, give it a try - its fun.

Here's wishing you the best and hope that you make money online with your paid surveys.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Data Entry Jobs Or Home Typist Jobs

An exclusive number of people are earning a living and profiting quite a sum of money by just writing ads from their homes...

Now this is for those who are only interested to work part time, and want to work from home for a few hours a week on the Internet...

No experience or special skills are required.

All you need is a computer and access to the Internet. What you will be doing is typing online ads that you submit into online forms...

For more details, Click Here

Who said blonde celebs were dumb

A lawyer and a sexy blonde celeb with huge boobs, are sitting next to each other on a long flight from LA to NY.
Curiosity gets the better of the lawyer and asks the hot blonde celeb with sexy legs and huge tits about her profession. The hottie tells him that she is a model

Satisfied, the lawyer introduces himself and asks the hot blonde celeb whether she would like to play a fun game.

The sexy model just wants to take a nap, so she politely declines and rolls over to the window to catch a few winks.

The lawyer persists, and explains that the game is really easy and a lot of fun. He explains "I ask you a question, and if you don't know the answer, you pay me $5, and visa-versa."

Again, the blonde celeb model politely declines and tries to get some sleep.The lawyer, now somewhat agitated, says, "Okay, if you don't know the answer you pay me $5, and if I don't know the answer, I will pay you $50!" figuring that since she is a blonde celeb that he will easily win the match.

This catches the blonde celeb's attention and, figuring that there will be no end to this torment unless she plays, agrees to the game.The lawyer asks the first question. "What's the distance from the earth to the moon?" The blonde celeb doesn't say a word, reaches in to her purse, pulls out a five-dollar bill and hands it to the lawyer.

Now, it's the blonde celeb's turn.

She asks the lawyer: "What goes up a hill with three legs, and comes down with four?" The lawyer looks at her with a puzzled look. He takes out his laptop computer and searches all his references. He taps into the Airphone with his modem and searches the Net and the Library of Congress. Frustrated, he sends e-mails to all his coworkers and friends he knows. All to no avail. After over an hour, he wakes the blonde celeb and hands her $50. The blonde celeb politely takes the $50 and turns away to get back to sleep.The lawyer, who is more than a little miffed, wakes the blonde celeb and asks, "Well, so what is the answer!?"

Without a word, the blonde celeb reaches into her purse, hands the lawyer $5, and goes back to sleep.

Now, who said blonde celebs were dumb

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Webmasters, just check out..Fineclicks...

This is a quick one for webmasters.. those who have a relatively good quality website or ezine..

The Fineclicks Affiliate Network is packed with high converting offers to help you maximize your revenue...

Besides, you also receive a $5 bounty just for signing up..

You can CLICK HERE to get started.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Truth In Ad Sales

A mimic of the original, but nonetheless funny.

Excellently made though a bit boring at times... but the characters make up for it.

A must watch for aspiring admen and marketers.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Slash My Search

Ran into this a few days ago....

Well...the advert goes like this.... "You can earn money by setting this.. as your homepage. You can earn even more money by using as your primary search engine.. Obviously, if you search more, the more you tend to make.....simple"

Did not want to change the advert... it more or less explains the subject..

Basically, you can either use it as your affiliate link for referring others, or as your homepage… For referring, you get paid for three levels, meaning you get extra money from everyone you refer, and another amount for each referral those people get... Offcourse, you can also earn money by using as your primary search engine, the more you search the more you make, that's about it.

So far so good….. Although it is too early to say whether it is a money spinner….. these few days have been good…..

No harm in trying it out..

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Guaranteed to hold them together !

What if men designed bra's..

Well, for one there sure won't be any boob slips !

Bottomline.... Guaranted para prendê-los junto !

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

PayPal payments.. a note for users

Just a short note of caution for those who use PayPal… Although the below report is a bit out of date, it is advisable users just check for similar such reports prior to signing up...

" According to Internet-monitoring Company Netcraft, a security flaw on PayPal's site allowed hackers to steal credit card information from PayPal users. The vulnerability, first publicly announced on Friday, involved what is known as a cross-scripting attack. Those targeted by the attack received an e-mail, purporting to be from PayPal, that directed them to a special URL on the PayPal servers Relevant Products/Services from HP. At that page, they encountered an official-sounding notice. "Your account is currently disabled," it reportedly read, "because we think it has been accessed by a third party. You will now be redirected to the Resolution Center." Users were then taken to a non-PayPal server in South Korea, with a fake log-in page designed to capture private information -- including credit card and Social Security numbers. Users were requested at that site to remove any limits on funds being removed from their accounts. PayPal said that it has fixed the flaw and has gotten the Korean server shut down. PayPal also said that it was not clear how many people -- if any at all -- had been duped. PayPal does warn its users to enter their user names and passwords only on PayPal pages that begin with the following URL: It also says that its users should never log in to PayPal from a link in an e-mail "

Unfortunately, it just is not PayPal’s fault…. It just is that the hackers are one on top or one step ahead...

So, basically try and opt in receiving cheques by mail, bank transfers with your clients, it may be slow and cumbersome but there are better chances of receiving the amount and less chances of the amount being hacked...

Now, this is just not PayPal’s problem alone... the other also face it, but since they share a lot less limelight than PayPal, they have a slighter edge ...

However, for those whose who clear their checks on a regular basis, there shouldn’t be much cause for concern as any discrepancy is immediately would be immediately identified by you...

Basically, keep regular tabs on your PayPal inflows and outflows ...

Monday, April 2, 2007

James Martell On Online Marketing

James Martell, one of the big guns in affiliate marketing, has revised and updated his successful Affiliate Marketers Handbook

James Martell is a Canadian businessman who taught himself to build websites that rank highly at the search engines—so he could profit with Internet based affiliate programs and has written a first person account of his methods in a downloadable e-book.

He calls his downloadable home-study program, James Martell's Affiliate Marketers Handbook. Since the first edition in 2001, James has released updates, and the latest is the Affiliate Marketer’s Handbook 2006.

Using only affiliate programs, James has built himself a home-based enterprise that earns his family over $30,000 per month. He now represents well over 400 merchants in over 70 different industries.

This course does something that has never been done before. It teaches you—exactly how-to master Internet affiliate programs—at the same pace and achievement level that allowed him to generate steady monthly income—by gaining top rankings at the search engines for keywords associated with his numerous merchants.

This training manual is, perhaps, the finest home study program offered on the subject of Affiliate Marketing—also known as Associate Programs or Revenue Sharing—ever developed because none of it is theoretical.

It’s all tested and true.

Maybe you think, "Oh no, not yet another book on Affiliate Marketing !"

And I admit that that was my first thought too.

We know that Internet marketing and affiliate marketing are dynamic industries, which are continuously evolving..

When I came across the Affiliate Marketers Handbook and I had only a vague understanding of affiliate marketing.. and didn’t understand the topics at first. But then I read some of the raving reviews this book has received. Besides, the book and it’s author seemed to be serious and professional.

Basically, his methods work for anyone with an Internet connection, a computer, some basic software, -- and a desire to earn money with their computer, -- either as a major career change or simply a way to bring in some extra money into the family budget.

James Martel is a surprisingly good writer who sorts through all the hype and provides readers with thoroughly explained tips, techniques and proven facts.

The Handbook starts with a brief, interesting look at Martell and how he got into affiliate marketing. Reading the introduction, you are sure to be impressed with Martell’s insight and how he took what was in the beginning just a hunch, and turned it into a very successful affiliate marketing business.

What James Martell has created is a step-by-step guide to setting up your own highly profitable Internet business selling affiliate products. If you, by chance, pass any of his sites, you will note that most of his web sites are created with the search engines in mind.. the domain name, the titles of each individual page on his sites, the many articles etc..

Affiliate experts will probably be taken aback by the simple overall strategy that James uses to get top search engine rankings. Even though experts are likely to get pleasantly surprised by this Affiliate Marketer's Handbook, it’s easy to understand even for the raw beginner. It’s not complex.

For example, take his notes on Keyword Density. As he shows us, his original formula still works. Even so, in this revised edition, he shares with readers new-found ways to increase his Google rankings by as much as 30% with some adjustment to the original formula.

These new rules include: optimizing each page for keyword density by including "Primary and Tier-1 Secondary Keywords" in the following ways: Primary Keyword: use once in the headline and again, just once, in the first paragraph. Now, do not use this keyword again anywhere else on the page. For "Tier-1 Secondary Keywords: use once in the first or second paragraph, then nowhere else on the page"

Take Martell’s advice on a simple 300-word article. In his Affiliate Marketer's Handbook, he explains that keywords should be used repeatedly in the following density: no less than 24 times; no more than 36 times. Martell advises to “extrapolate the above ratio on longer articles and to randomly included Tier-2 Secondary Keywords throughout the text in no particular density, but added only as they would naturally appear editorially. This is followed by very intuitive clarifications, advice and tips that further demonstrate why Martell remains a cut above the rest.
But to find out Martell's even better way to submit, you’ll have to read his Affiliate Marketer’s handbook.

Besides the book has constant updates through his bi-monthly audio newsletter called the Affiliate Buzz. When you purchase the Affiliate Marketers Handbook, you can also choose to purchase a subscription to the Affiliate Buzz which covers updates and topics related to the manual as well as additional marketing news and even personal inspiration from James himself on affiliate programs

Another point to be noted is that no where in the Affiliate Marketers Handbook will you be asked to buy something. There are no meetings that you need to drag your friends to, quickly converting them to distant acquaintances. No down line that you need to keep motivated to create your income. And most importantly, no web space to sell to soon-to-be former friends.. basically no B.S

For those wishing to get rich quick while sleeping, don’t bother reading this book or this review.

This is a method which can provide income if you work at it. And if you work hard at it, a good income. That is all James Martell claims and I reckon he is absolutely right

As mentioned earlier, James claims that using only affiliate programs, earns him and his family over $30,000 per month. He now represents well over 400 merchants in over 70 different industries. We must also remember that he has been at it for quite some time and has more than 100 specialty shopping sites on the go—and has published nearly 12,000 pages of relevant content to the Net.

Most people approach their first online business with a lot of enthusiasm, but no idea of where to start. They read a little about how to do this or that, and jaunt off merrily in whatever direction that leads.

As they research how to start their affililate business, they keep hearing about one thing or another that they "have to do" And with each new thing, they drop what they’re doing and head in an altogether new direction.

Eventually, they get frustrated at their lack of progress and give up. But it is not so difficult to succeed, if you know where you’re going.

That’s why it is so important to have a step-by-step plan to get to your destination. And that’s where James Martell's Affiliate Marketing Handbook excels—in laying out a clear path to follow to your goal.

Martell’s Affiliate Handbook doesn’t just jump in with a bunch of random tips about how to handle isolated pieces of the journey; it starts you right off from square one with the basic necessities you need to handle to get your business moving forward to its goal.

It leads you through what to expect and how long it will take. It guides you to build from your success on one step into success in the next. And it takes you through the steps of building your business, while focussing on the most essential steps and towards the goals you set for it.

I like the Affliate Marketer's Handbook for its thoroughness and for its focus on following a clear and defined path toward your goals. If your goal is to succeed in affiliate marketing and you’ve experienced any drift in direction whatsoever, I strongly urge to pick up this ebook and follow its steps.

James also doesn’t hide the fact that he has done very well in his business, as the guide and his websites are sprinkled with stories and examples of his success..

Now what are other people saying about James Martell's Affiliate Marketers Handbook

"I have read a huge number of books, reports and articles on affiliate programs, so I wasn't optimistic about finding new ideas in this book. I was very pleasantly surprised. James makes more than $20,000 a month—how MUCH more he won't say—from affiliate commissions. In this handbook he tells you how he does it" - Allan Gardyne - International Expert.

"I personally purchased this book about a year ago. As I read through the book I learned exactly how he builds his cash generating websites and his special “Keyword Formula” which is worth the price of the book alone. I have used his formula and many of the tactics in his book to great success. The book covers not only the formula and how to structure your website, but also the importance of getting people to link to your site including other important factors you will want to consider. I must say that I was surprised how professional and easy to follow everything was, so well in fact that someone completely new to computers would be able to comprehend most all of it" .. Miles Baker, Marketing Expert

"Rarely these days do I have time to read an entire e-book, especially one on search engines. I thought I knew it all.... until I read the "Affiliate Marketers Handbook" by James Martell. His method is amazingly simple. No tricks. Just solid advice. Everything he does is up front and legitimate. He even tells you exactly how to get the same success"

"Another very interesting twist, is that the author makes thousands of dollars every month with affiliate programs. He is his own boss, sets his own hours, doesn't touch any physical inventory and has no clients. The ironic part is, we followed totally different paths to search engine optimization and never heard of each other, even though we live in the same city. It just goes to show how big the internet is and how much room there is for everyone to become a success. In short, no tricks, just solid advice" - Michael Campbell - Respected Search Engine Advisor..

"Hello James, I just wanted to let you know that Betty and I netted over $12,000 CDN last month. Once again I want to thank you for all your hard work, and talent. Your ebook was the "big bang" for us, you and your teachings were instrumental in changing our lives" - Brent & Betty Truitt

As a closing line.. James Martell's Handbook is a must for anyone trying to understand affiliate marketing and even how the Internet works in general. Besides, it is clear, concise and easy to understand

If you are at all interested in making income online from affiliate programs then I highly recommend the James Martell Affiliate Handbook.

This book in short, covers everything on how to start, build, and run a profitable content driven website. For beginners or experts James holds nothing back when he shows you how to use both contextual advertising as well as affiliate programs to make large profits online.

Without a doubt, this is the affiliate marketer's guide you want if you are looking for success in the aaffiliate marketing field.

James Martell’s Affiliate Marketers Handbook is a must for anyone getting started in affiliate marketing